, china's customs statistics show that in 2016, china exported 28.09 million tons of various fertilizer products, a decrease of 21.5% compared with 2015; the export value was 6.672 billion us dollars, a decrease of 39.5% compared with 2015. in 2015, china's fertilizer exports and exports surpassed russia for the first time, becoming the world's largest fertilizer exporter. However, china's export volume fell sharply in 2016 and returned to the second place.

Compared with russia, canada, morocco and other major exporting countries, china's export volume of chemical fertilizer raw materials is not large. In the international trade of sulfur, sulfuric acid and synthetic ammonia, china is a net importer; in the international trade of phosphate rock and phosphoric acid, china is a net exporter. In 2016, china exported 278,000 tons of phosphate rock (including unground and ground). China's phosphoric acid exports are mainly declared by food-grade phosphoric acid, with a total export of 584,000 tons in 2016. other phosphoric acid except food-grade phosphoric acid, metaphosphoric acid and pyrophosphoric acid are all counted in the "28092019" hs code, with a total export of 31,000 tons throughout the year.
China mainly exports nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen-phosphorus compound fertilizer. According to china's import and export tariff for 2016, there are 32 8-digit hs-coded goods in customs statistics belonging to fertilizer products, including 29 fertilizer varieties and 3 organic fertilizer varieties (the data of 31010011, 31010019 and 31010090 varieties are summarized as 310100 in the attached table).
In 2016, china exported more than 1 million tons of fertilizers, namely 8.871 million tons of urea, 6.798 million tons of diammonium phosphate, 5.023 million tons of ammonium sulfate, 2.026 million tons of monoammonium phosphate and 1.204 million tons of ammonium chloride (including 123,000 tons of industrial ammonium chloride). In addition to the above 5 fertilizers, there are 8 kinds of fertilizers that export more than 200,000 tons throughout the year, namely 736,000 tons of ordinary superphosphate (including rich superphosphate), 683,000 tons of heavy superphosphate, 652,000 tons of nitrogen and phosphorus binary compound fertilizer, 368,000 tons of fertilizer with gross weight less than 10kg, 361,000 tons of urea-ammonium nitrate solution, 347,000 tons of calcium ammonium nitrate, 294,000 tons of potassium chloride and 282,000 tons of ammonium nitrate.
According to statistical data, china exported 294,000 tons of other potassium chloride (except pure potassium chloride) in 2016. almost all of this potassium chloride is exported duty-free, and imported potash fertilizer is re-exported on a bonded basis or exported to specific countries in a "substitute for cultivation" manner. According to the customs cargo classification rules, the statistics of nitrogen and phosphorus binary compound fertilizers within the range of hs code 31055900 do not contain monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, phosphate nitrate fertilizer, ammonium nitrate and other fertilizers. The main types of fertilizers exported by china with this code are 16-20-0, 20-20-0, 14-34-0, etc.
Statistics show that fertilizers within the range of hs code 31051000 refer to all goods made into flakes or packing specifications with gross weight less than 10kg in chapter 31 (i .e. the first two digits of hs code are 31), and goods with high export tariffs such as potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizers are made into flakes or packing specifications with gross weight less than 10kg. customs declaration and export with this code can legally avoid high tariff restrictions. In 2016, china imposed tariffs on other potassium chloride (hs-coded 31042090) and potassium sulfate (hs-coded 31043000) exports from 600 yuan/ton, and 30% tariffs on ternary compound fertilizer (hs-coded 31052000) exports. In 2016, 368,000 tons of hs-coded 31051000 were exported, an increase of 90.4% compared to 2015. the actual exports were mainly potassium chloride, potassium sulfate and ternary compound fertilizer.
In 2016, russia exported 31.526 million tons of various fertilizer products with an export amount of us $6.646 billion. In addition, it also exported 3.775 million tons of sulfur, 2.491 million tons of phosphate rock, 3.659 million tons of synthetic ammonia and other chemical fertilizer raw materials. Russia is an important exporter of fertilizer and fertilizer raw materials in the world. Large-scale nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer and compound fertilizer factories have designed special storage and logistics systems for export products at the time of construction. At present, almost no fertilizer company in china is built for export.
Under the condition that the advantages of raw materials are not obvious, china's nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate compound fertilizer not only realize domestic self-sufficiency, but also supply fertilizer to domestic agricultural growers at the price of "global low-lying. Under the premise of domestic supply guarantee, making full use of the idle production capacity of domestic demand in the off-season to produce some export fertilizers, and exporting fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride, which cannot be fully digested in the domestic environmental protection process, to the international market will be the next few years. The norm of china's fertilizer industry.

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China's Fertilizer Export Data in 2016